
The Organ Yearbook

Laaber-Verlag, Laaber


Vol. 50, 2021

Lannoo, Luc: The Berger organ builders (1644/1702–1799). The end of a tradition in Coastal Flanders. The Organ Yearbook 50, 2021, 7-68.

Chinaglia, Walter: Recreating a large Italian Renaissance-style 'organo di legno' modelled on the sole extant original organ at the Silberne Kapelle of Innsbruck. The Organ Yearbook 50, 2021, 69–90.

Vaz, João: The six organs in Mafra: from antiphonal symmetry to an orchestral ideal: a comparison between the Masses by Giuseppe Totti (c1807) and José Marques e Silva (1825). The Organ Yearbook 50, 2021, 91-109.

Orsini-Brescia, Marco: The paradigmatic ancient twin organs of the cathedral of Saint James of Compostela (1704–1712). Manuel de la Vina and the establishment of the Echevarría school of organ making in Galicia. The Organ Yearbook 50, 2021, 110-119.

Davidsson, Hans: A new resource for organ research: database of eighteenth-century Swedish organs. The Organ Yearbook 50, 2021, 120-138.

Smith, Eleanor: Bröderna Moberg: Swedish organ restoration in the twentieth century, seen through the lens of the SONORA project. The Organ Yearbook 50, 2021, 139-159.

Jespers, Frans: The singular Dutch organ builders Smits. The Organ Yearbook 50, 2021, 160-206.

Vol. 49, 2020

Ros, Wim S. / Linde, Koos van de / Putten, Winold van der: Reconstruction of the positive depicted in De aanbidding van het Lam Gods (The Adoration of the Lamb) by Hubert and Jan van Eyck. The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 7-44.

Chinaglia, Walter: 'duoi organi per Monteverdi'. Recreating a pair of 'organi di legno'. The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 45-76.

Stauffer, George B.: Bach's Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 537: Further thoughts. The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 77-92.

Tour, Peter van: Concatenating imitative stock patterns in eighteenth-century Naples. The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 93-123.

Steppler, Anna: History, word play, and a 'universal table of organ stops': Michael Praetorius's »De Organographia« as defense of the instrument of instruments. The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 124-151.

Schröder, Dorothea: Friedrich Stellwagens Orgel für die Eutiner Schlosskapelle (1639/40). The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 152-161.

Peeters, Paul: The Silbermann Archives: publicly available at last. The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 162-164.

Schaefer, Marc: The Silbermann Archives. The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 165-171.

Anderson, Christopher: Portrait of a schoolmaster: Karl Straube as organ teacher. The Organ Yearbook 49, 2020, 172-185.

Vol. 48, 2019

Brouwer, Frans: A unique blossom almost left alone to its nation. The organ in Jægersborg Church in relation to the Danish Organ Reform Movement and its direct impact on organ building abroad. The Organ Yearbook 48, 2019, 7-87.

Dirksen, Pieter: Johann Sebastian Bach's chorale partita 'Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen' BWV 770. The Organ Yearbook 48, 2019, 88-109.

Butler, Lynn Edwards: Zacharias Thayssner: organ builder at the end of an era. The Organ Yearbook 48, 2019, 110-131.

Lundblat, Jonas: Exact in feeling: Messiaen's recorded performaces of his 'Livre d'orgue'. The Organ Yearbook 48, 2019, 132-154.

Vogel, Harald: Arp Schnitgers Orgeln in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Mit einem Ranking der erhaltenen Instrumente: 32 klingende Werke und 17 Prospekte. The Organ Yearbook 48, 2019, 155-181.

Vol. 47, 2018

Smith, Eleanor: The early claviorgan and its role in accompaniment practice. The Organ Yearbook 47, 2018, 7-25.

Speerstra, Joel / Kjellson, Magnus: A new claviorgan for Göteborg Baroque. The Organ Yearbook 47, 2018, 26-48.

Bellotti, Edoardo: Adriano Banchieri and the theory and practice of counterpoint and basso continuo in the seventeenth century. The Organ Yearbook 47, 2018, 49-78.

Schaefer, Marc: Fréderic Silbermann, facteur de piano-forte à Strasbourg (1762-1805). The Organ Yearbook 47, 2018, 99-122.

Jespers, Frans: German masters of the triple Tierce. The organ builders Brammertz and Gilman at Kornelimünster. The Organ Yearbook 47, 2018, 123-151.

Peeters, Paul: The participants' list for the 1925 'Organistentagung' in Hamburg - Lübeck. The Organ Yearbook 47, 2018, 152-174.

Vol. 46, 2017

Brouwer, Frans: The significance of the Marcussen organ in Copenhagen's Nikolaj Kunsthal, seen in European organ building perspectives. The Organ Yearbook 46, 2017, 7-26.

Bryndorf, Bine Katrine: »Commotio for Orgel« (Commotio for organ). Carl Nielsen's last major work from 1931 including registrations and metronome indications in a first edition from the Carl Nielsen Collection at the Royal Library, Copenhagen. The Organ Yearbook 46, 2017, 27-53.

Prip, Svend: The epoch-making organ at Nikolaj Kunsthal in Copenhagen. The Organ Yearbook 46, 2017, 55-65.

Barbieri, Patrizio: The Roman organ c1480-1750. Part II. Towards the typical 'Baroque' stoplist. The Organ Yearbook 46, 2017, 67-100.

Panfili, Andreas: Pietro Pantanella, an organ builder in Rome in the second half of the 19th century. The Organ Yearbook 46, 2017, 101-113.

Peeters, Paul: Tuning and timbre slots in organ flue pipes: A shift in sound aesthetics. With special focus on Aristide Cavaillé-Coll and Eberhard Friedrich Walcker. The Organ Yearbook 46, 2017, 115-172.

Vol. XLV, 2016

Peeters, Paul: Peter Williams In Memoriam. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 7 f.

Vaz, João: The 'Renaissance' organ in the Cathedral of Évora (Portugal): origin and transformations. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 9-21.

Barbieri, Patrizio: The Roman organ c1480-1750. I: evolution of pitch, compass and 'portable' instruments. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 23-59.

Dijk, Peter van / Steensma, Jaap Jan: Apollonius Bosch: a musical bridge over the river Meuse. Recent studies concerning the background of a seventeenth-century Dutch organ maker. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 61-90.

Beyhurst, Laurent: Julien Tribuot (1663-1722), 'facteur d'orgue du roi Louis XIV': célèbre organier français à Paris, Versailles et Seurre. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 91-110.

Rathey, Markus: Traditions of organ music and organ playing in Mülhausen in the seventeenth century and in the times of Johann Sebastian Bach. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 111-131.

Dirksen, Pieter: Johann Sebastian Bach's Fantasia and Fuga in G minor. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 133-167.

Planyavsky, Peter: Orgelbewegung in Österreich - ein Spezialfall. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 169-196.

Lutz, Christian: Recently restored Silbermann organs in Alsace. The Organ Yearbook 45, 2016, 197-212.


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